About Alessa
Alessa Xo • Neverland
Neverland is the second single released by Alessa XO, from her new upcoming album * WE ARE ONE *. After composing the anthem * WE ARE ONE *, for the World Bodypainting Festival in 2018 and a further performance at the festival in 2019, the New York-based singer-songwriter, is consistently following her path to success. |
Alessa Xo • Neverland
Premiere 13. September, 20:15 Is the song “Neverland” the next hit single by Alessa XO? |
We are one
We are one
Alessa Xo - We are one
Alessa XO • WE ARE ONE Alessa Aichinger also known under her artistic name as Alessa XO is the singer and songwriter of the official World Bodypainting Festival anthem "We are one." Alessa was born in Klagenfurt, Austria and has been living in both London and New York since the age of 18. Next to her music and acting career, she has finished a Bachelors of the Arts in International Politics and Languages and just completed her Master’s degree in Music & Arts Business Management in London. Alessa speaks five languages. During her studies at multiple institutions including the New York Film Academy, the Lee Strasberg Theater & Film Institute, King's College in London, Complutense University in Madrid and University of Westminster, she learned how to write songs. Alessa experimented with various music producers in London and New York until she found her own sound. For a year and a half, she has been working on her first album. She continuously receives vocal training and mentorship from Monika Ballwein, an excellent Viennese vocal coach who worked with stars such as Conchita Wurst among others. "We are one" is the first single off the upcoming album, which will also share the same name. But how did the "DJ feat. "We are one" • Alessa XO • RMX - Action come about? Alessa was visiting her hometown Klagenfurt am Wörthersee in 2017 when the 20th anniversary of the" World Bodypainting Festival " took place. Inspired by the thousands of creatively painted peaceful people during a time of political tumult, she had the idea for the song lyrics to "We are one". In her opinion, "When people are painted and immerse themselves in the arts, no one asks about religion, skin colour or nationality. In such a situation, everyone, whether poor or rich, young or old, is the same." Her A & R Werner Schneeweiss established contact with WBF inventor Alex Barendregt. Alex was very enthusiastic about the whole idea and the ongoing RMX campaign. Despite the pressure and stress, during the WBF event in 2018 he organised the music video shoot for the official WBF music video. At the award ceremony for the winners of the World Bodypainting Festival, the song was first presented to an international audience. Scenes from the live performance were also used in the music video. The result is indeed impressive: a modern anthem with breathtaking images of artists from all over the world. The countdown for the World Bodypainting Festival • DJ feat. "We are one" • Alessa XO • RMX - Action has hereby begun: Anyone who is interested in producing a remix for the song as well as becoming part of the WBF family, please send an email with the subject "World Bodypainting Festival • DJ feat. "We are one" • Alessa XO • RMX - Action" to: alessa-xo-rmx@wb-production.com Everyone is welcome because our motto is: "WE ARE ONE!" World Bodypainting Festival www.bodypainting-festival.com |
Alessa Xo - We are one
Alessa XO • WE ARE ONE Alessa Aichinger also known under her artistic name as Alessa XO is the singer and songwriter of the official World Bodypainting Festival anthem "We are one." Alessa was born in Klagenfurt, Austria and has been living in both London and New York since the age of 18. Next to her music and acting career, she has finished a Bachelors of the Arts in International Politics and Languages and just completed her Master’s degree in Music & Arts Business Management in London. Alessa speaks five languages. During her studies at multiple institutions including the New York Film Academy, the Lee Strasberg Theater & Film Institute, King's College in London, Complutense University in Madrid and University of Westminster, she learned how to write songs. Alessa experimented with various music producers in London and New York until she found her own sound. For a year and a half, she has been working on her first album. She continuously receives vocal training and mentorship from Monika Ballwein, an excellent Viennese vocal coach who worked with stars such as Conchita Wurst among others. "We are one" is the first single off the upcoming album, which will also share the same name. But how did the "DJ feat. "We are one" • Alessa XO • RMX - Action come about? Alessa was visiting her hometown Klagenfurt am Wörthersee in 2017 when the 20th anniversary of the" World Bodypainting Festival " took place. Inspired by the thousands of creatively painted peaceful people during a time of political tumult, she had the idea for the song lyrics to "We are one". In her opinion, "When people are painted and immerse themselves in the arts, no one asks about religion, skin colour or nationality. In such a situation, everyone, whether poor or rich, young or old, is the same." Her A & R Werner Schneeweiss established contact with WBF inventor Alex Barendregt. Alex was very enthusiastic about the whole idea and the ongoing RMX campaign. Despite the pressure and stress, during the WBF event in 2018 he organised the music video shoot for the official WBF music video. At the award ceremony for the winners of the World Bodypainting Festival, the song was first presented to an international audience. Scenes from the live performance were also used in the music video. The result is indeed impressive: a modern anthem with breathtaking images of artists from all over the world. The countdown for the World Bodypainting Festival • DJ feat. "We are one" • Alessa XO • RMX - Action has hereby begun: Anyone who is interested in producing a remix for the song as well as becoming part of the WBF family, please send an email with the subject "World Bodypainting Festival • DJ feat. "We are one" • Alessa XO • RMX - Action" to: alessa-xo-rmx@wb-production.com Everyone is welcome because our motto is: "WE ARE ONE!" World Bodypainting Festival www.bodypainting-festival.com |
Leading me on
When I Come Around
events and shows coming up.
Stay tuned and get excited!
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— Adele —
— Madonna —
events and shows coming up.
Stay tuned and get excited!